This is a recipe my Grandma Margie has been making for the past 40 years and it's our favorite pork chop recipe. They're kind of sweet and kind of sour,...
Pork chops with a wonderfully different zing. Easy to make, yet it appears as though you slaved all day long! This dish is great served with any type of...
Easy and elegant enough for the in-laws. Be sure, when filling the chops, not to stuff it too full, or the meat will be done cooking before the cheese...
Easy and elegant enough for the in-laws. Be sure, when filling the chops, not to stuff it too full, or the meat will be done cooking before the cheese...
Great tasting pork chops that are great on the grill or pan fried. These chops come out tasty and juicy with just a few seasonings. This is a favorite...
This recipe is both unbelievably easy and indescribably delicious. It takes only a few minutes to prepare. Just cook the cutlets in butter, and then heat...
This dish is so easy to make! I have two picky eaters I have to feed, and this was an instant success. The rice is so flavorful from the pork chops and...
Delicious pork chops the entire family will love. You can use corn flake crumbs instead of bread crumbs, and season the crumbs to your personal taste....
This is my favorite way to cook pork chops. Chops are seasoned with lemon juice, basil, parsley, and garlic, seared, and then topped with feta cheese....
I make this wonderful recipe all the time and found that it is a lot better to not pan fry the chops in oil. Baking makes it a lot better for you and still...
This is a great and easy way to add flavor to pork chops, and it is always a hit at family gatherings. Just take a few minutes to make the marinade and...
I've made this recipe for years as a quick after work dinner. Inexpensive and delicious. I pack up leftovers for lunch for no waste. Use with boneless...
Seasoned pork loin chops baked with apple cider and Worcestershire sauce and finished with sherry make even the pickiest husband say, 'Wow!' Serve with...
Seasoned pork loin chops baked with apple cider and Worcestershire sauce and finished with sherry make even the pickiest husband say, 'Wow!' Serve with...
This is my favorite way to cook pork chops. Chops are seasoned with lemon juice, basil, parsley, and garlic, seared, and then topped with feta cheese....
Boneless pork chops in a dry rub are broiled to perfection and brushed with a maple mustard glaze. Adjust the amount of pepper for your taste. Tangy, sweet,...